The team
The team, originally made up of the ANR DARWIN researchers, consists of inter-disciplinary researchers interested by studying managerial practices within extreme environments.
- The ANR DARWIN researchers
Geneviève Musca is an Associate Professor in Management and Organization studies at the University of Western Paris-Nanterre – La Défense (France) as well as a member of the CEROS Research Center. An alumnus of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (LSH), Geneviève previously held various posts, including Project Manager within the Lagardère Group – EADS. Her research mainly focuses on project-based organizations, teamwork, sensemaking and competence dynamics within unexpected and risky contexts, in relying on qualitative research methods. Geneviève has published articles in peer-reviewed journals such as “M@n@gement”, International Journal of Project Management and “Revue Française de Gestion“; moreover, she was the project manager of the ANR DARWIN, under the aegis of France’s National Research Agency (ANR DARWIN).
Yvonne Giordano is a tenured Professor in Management Science on the faculty of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNS), in addition to being affiliated with the GREDEG Laboratory (UMR 7321 CNRS-UNS). Yvonne’s contribution to the DARWIN project has been followed by participation in another ANR-sponsored project studying experts working in remote conditions: weather forecasters and climbers on faraway mountain expeditions. Her fields of interest focus on decision-making in natural surroundings and hazardous environments, specifically targeting problems encountered in mountainous zones: the evolution in practices and professions amidst socioeconomic and cultural changes.
Pascal Lièvre is an Associate Professor in Management Science and has been awarded a research supervision credential from the University of Auvergne with the Clermontois Management Research Center, in addition to serving as Research Director of the CRET-LOG Laboratory at the University of Aix-Marseille II. Since 2000, Pascal has been directing a research program dedicated to the Management of Extreme Situations, with a field of investigation that encompasses polar expeditions, fire & rescue services, and the exploration of high mountainous areas. He has already published 5 books and written some ten articles on this topic. Moreover, in June 2009, Pascal organized a symposium at the UQAM University in Montreal, which served as the basis for a special issue in the “Project Management Journal”.
Marie Perez has held the post of Associate Professor in Management Science at the University of Western Paris-Nanterre – La Défense since 2007. Her previous research had, for the most part, been devoted to feasible options and types of partnerships available in innovative projects conducted under uncertain conditions. Marie is especially interested in the human dimension that plays out in a management setting; she has assessed routines and creativity by performing a longitudinal case analysis targeting a Slam music group. Along these lines, she has also been working on developing ethnographic contributions to the field of management research.
Linda Rouleau is a tenured Professor with the HEC Business School in Montreal (Canada). Her research consists mainly of micro-strategies and strategizing practices, in relying heavily on qualitative methods. Among her other pursuits, Linda is currently working on individual accounts of practices on the part of mid-level managers. She recently published a series of articles in peer-reviewed journals, including The Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Human Relations, and the Academy of Management Review. Linda shares responsibility for the GePS study group (HEC Montreal) and conducts research as part of the CRIMT (Interuniversity Center for Research on Globalization and Labor).
- Associated researchers
Gilda Simoni
Associate Professor in Management Sciences at the University of Western Paris – Nanterre – La Défense and member of CEROS (Center for the Research and Study of Organizations and Strategy, EA 4429). Professor Simoni’s work has focused on management approaches applied to research and innovation, with an emphasis on the socio-organizational dimensions of managing knowledge within a project setting. Ongoing research relates to the links existing between management tools (HR, quality) and the relational dynamics at play within teams.
Frédérique Sitri
Associate Professor with the Language Sciences Department at the University of Western Paris and member of the MoDyCo Laboratory staff (UMR 7114). Professor Sitri’s research in language sciences lies squarely within the field of speech analysis and has specifically targeted the phenomena of discursive heterogeneity, such as reported speech or concessions. Within this framework, Frédérique has analyzed in depth many types of speeches, whether they be professional, social or institutional.
Sarah de Vogué,
Associate Professor with the Language Sciences Department at the University of Western Paris – Nanterre – La Défense since 1988, member of the Formal Linguistic Laboratory staff (CNRS-Paris 7) through 2010 and on the MoDyCo Laboratory team (CNRS-Western Paris) since 2011. Professor de Vogué has been researching various topics: the expression of conditions and concessions, forms of predication, and polysemous considerations within the scope of Antoine Culioli’s Theory of Enunciative and Predicative Operations.